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时间: 2024-09-19 17:19:25



1. Localism has become a growing movement in many countries, advocating for more decision-making power at the community level.(本地主义已经成为许多国家日益增长的运动,主张在社区层面上拥有更多的决策权。)

2. The candidate's campaign was centered around localism, promising to prioritize neighborhood concerns over national issues.(候选人的竞选活动以本地主义为核心,承诺优先考虑街区的关切而不是国家级问题。)

3. Localism encourages support for local businesses to foster economic growth within the community.(本地主义鼓励支持本地企业,促进社区内的经济增长。)

4. The council adopted a localism policy aimed at empowering residents to have a say in local governance.(议会采纳了一项旨在赋予居民在地方治理中发言权的本地主义政策。)

5. The success of the farmers' market highlighted the strength of localism in promoting sustainable agriculture.(农民市场的成功突显了本地主义在推动可持续农业方面的力量。)

6. Localism advocates argue that decisions affecting communities should be made by those who live there.(本地主义倡导者认为,影响社区的决策应该由居住在那里的人做出。)

7. The university's localism policy supports recruiting students from nearby neighborhoods to promote diversity on campus.(大学的本地主义政策支持招募来自附近社区的学生,以促进校园内的多样性。)

8. The localism movement gained momentum after several successful initiatives to revitalize downtown areas.(在几次成功的振兴市中心地区的倡议之后,本地主义运动获得了发展势头。)

9. Critics argue that localism could lead to parochialism and hinder national unity.(批评者认为,本地主义可能导致教区主义,阻碍国家统一。)

10. The mayor's commitment to localism was evident in her efforts to involve citizens in urban planning decisions.(市长在本地主义方面的承诺表现在她努力让市民参与城市规划决策中。)

11. Localism can be a powerful force for preserving cultural heritage and traditions unique to a region.(本地主义可以是保护某一地区独特文化遗产和传统的有力力量。)

12. The town hall meeting was a platform for discussing the benefits and challenges of embracing localism.(镇上的市政厅会议是讨论接受本地主义的好处和挑战的平台。)

13. The school district's localism policy aimed to tailor educational programs to meet the needs of local students.(学区的本地主义政策旨在调整教育项目,以满足当地学生的需求。)

14. Advocates of localism argue that it strengthens civic engagement by empowering communities to address their own issues.(本地主义的支持者认为,通过赋予社区解决自身问题的能力,它可以增强公民参与。)

15. The localism movement in this city draws inspiration from successful community-driven initiatives in neighboring towns.(这座城市的本地主义运动从邻近城镇成功的社区驱动倡议中汲取灵感。)


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