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时间: 2024-09-20 03:08:56


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using the word "locomotion," along with their Chinese explanations:

1. Birds use wings for locomotion in the air.

- 鸟类利用翅膀在空中飞行。

2. The locomotion of fish is achieved through the movement of their fins.

- 鱼类通过鳍的运动实现游动。

3. Human locomotion involves walking, running, and other forms of movement.

- 人类的运动方式包括步行、跑步和其他形式的移动。

4. The robot's locomotion was based on a complex system of gears and motors.

- 机器人的移动是基于复杂的齿轮和电机系统。

5. Whales exhibit graceful locomotion despite their enormous size.

- 鲸类尽管体型庞大,但它们展示出优雅的游动方式。

6. Frogs have a unique style of locomotion, combining jumping and swimming.

- 青蛙有独特的游动方式,结合了跳跃和游泳。

7. The cheetah is known for its incredible speed during locomotion.

- 猎豹以其在移动时的惊人速度而闻名。

8. Insects have various methods of locomotion, such as crawling, flying, and hopping.

- 昆虫有多种移动方式,如爬行、飞行和跳跃。

9. The locomotion of snakes involves slithering along the ground.

- 蛇类的移动方式是沿地面蠕动。

10. Penguins use their wings for underwater locomotion, resembling flight.

- 企鹅利用它们的翅膀在水下游动,类似飞行。

11. The design of the new prosthetic leg allows for natural locomotion.

- 新的假肢设计允许自然的移动。

12. The study focused on the biomechanics of human locomotion.

- 这项研究侧重于人类移动的生物力学。

13. Robots are being developed with advanced locomotion capabilities for complex terrains.

- 为了复杂的地形,正在开发具有先进移动能力的机器人。

14. Understanding the locomotion of animals helps in designing more efficient robots.

- 理解动物的移动有助于设计更高效的机器人。

15. The scientist observed the locomotion patterns of ants to study their collective behavior.

- 科学家观察蚂蚁的移动模式,以研究它们的集体行为。


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