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时间: 2024-09-18 15:30:54


Certainly! "Natal" can be used in various contexts. Here are 15 sentences with Chinese explanations:

1. The city celebrated its natal day with a parade and fireworks. (这座城市通过游行和烟火庆祝了它的建城日。)

2. She visited her natal town after many years abroad. (她在多年后回到她的出生地小镇。)

3. The company marked its 50th anniversary with a grand natal event. (公司举办了盛大的50周年纪念活动。)

4. He was deeply attached to his natal language and customs. (他对自己的母语和习俗情有独钟。)

5. The artist's natal city influenced much of his early work. (艺术家的出生城市对他早期的作品产生了很大影响。)

6. They returned to their natal village to celebrate the harvest festival. (他们回到自己的故乡村庄庆祝丰收节。)

7. Natal instincts drove the bird to migrate south for the winter. (本能驱使鸟类为了过冬南迁。)

8. The musician's natal talent for playing piano was evident from a young age. (音乐家从小就展现出了他在弹钢琴方面的天赋。)

9. The town's natal economy depended heavily on fishing and tourism. (这个小镇的经济主要依赖于捕鱼和旅游业。)

10. She treasured the natal necklace passed down through generations in her family. (她珍惜着家传几代的母亲项链。)

11. The painting depicted scenes from the artist's natal countryside. (这幅画描绘了艺术家出生地的乡村景象。)

12. His natal star sign was said to influence his personality traits. (据说他的出生星座影响了他的个性特征。)

13. The author's natal novel was inspired by her childhood experiences. (作家的处女作受到了她童年经历的启发。)

14. They visited the natal house where their grandparents had lived. (他们参观了祖父母曾经居住过的出生地房屋。)

15. Natal care is crucial for ensuring the health of both mother and baby. (产前护理对确保母婴健康至关重要。)

These sentences showcase different uses of "natal" in English, covering aspects related to birthplace, origins, beginnings, and natural instincts.

上一个 【英语】transmute的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】natality的例句




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