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时间: 2024-09-18 15:37:18


Certainly! "Natality" refers to the birthrate or the ratio of births to the population in a given area. Here are 15 sentences with Chinese explanations:

1. The government was concerned about the declining natality rates in rural areas.

- 政府对农村地区日益下降的出生率感到担忧。

2. The natality rate in the country has been steadily decreasing over the past decade.

- 过去十年来,该国的出生率稳步下降。

3. The policies aim to increase natality by offering incentives to larger families.

- 这些政策旨在通过向较大家庭提供激励措施来增加出生率。

4. Natality and mortality rates are crucial factors in demographic studies.

- 出生率和死亡率是人口统计学研究中至关重要的因素。

5. Urbanization often correlates with lower natality rates due to changing societal norms.

- 城市化往往与较低的出生率相关,这是由于社会规范的变化。

6. The natality statistics were analyzed to understand population trends in the region.

- 分析出生率统计数据以了解该地区的人口趋势。

7. High natality rates can strain healthcare and education systems.

- 高出生率可能会给医疗和教育系统带来压力。

8. Social policies play a significant role in influencing natality trends.

- 社会政策在影响出生率趋势方面起着重要作用。

9. The natality rate in developing countries tends to be higher than in developed nations.

- 发展中国家的出生率往往比发达国家高。

10. The government implemented measures to stabilize natality amidst economic challenges.

- 政府在经济挑战中实施措施稳定出生率。

11. Public health campaigns have successfully contributed to lowering natality rates in some regions.

- 公共卫生宣传活动成功地帮助某些地区降低了出生率。

12. Natality patterns often reflect broader socio-economic changes.

- 出生率模式常常反映出更广泛的社会经济变化。

13. The study examines the correlation between natality rates and maternal health services.

- 这项研究探讨了出生率与母婴健康服务之间的关系。

14. Changing family structures can impact natality rates over generations.

- 家庭结构的变化可能会影响几代人的出生率。

15. The natality decline was attributed to societal shifts towards smaller families.

- 出生率的下降归因于社会向小家庭的转变。


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