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时间: 2024-09-19 17:25:14


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "deplorable" along with their Chinese translations:

1. The conditions in the prison were deplorable, with overcrowding and inadequate sanitation. (监狱的条件令人不堪其忧,人满为患,卫生条件恶劣。)

2. It is deplorable that such injustice still exists in our society today. (如今社会上仍存在这种不公是令人遗憾的。)

3. The company's treatment of its employees was deplorable, leading to widespread dissatisfaction. (公司对待员工的方式令人遗憾,导致广泛不满。)

4. The deplorable state of the roads in this town is affecting business and daily life. (这个城镇道路状况糟糕,影响了商业和日常生活。)

5. The team's performance in the match was deplorable; they lost by a significant margin. (球队在比赛中表现不堪,以明显的差距失利。)

6. The government's handling of the crisis was deplorable, causing unnecessary suffering. (政府对危机的处理令人不堪其忧,导致了不必要的苦难。)

7. The deplorable conditions in the refugee camps highlight the urgent need for international aid. (难民营中糟糕的条件突显出国际援助的迫切需要。)

8. His behavior towards his colleagues was deplorable, and he was subsequently dismissed. (他对待同事的行为令人不齿,因此被解雇了。)

9. The deplorable state of the school buildings prompted calls for immediate renovations. (学校建筑状况不堪入目,促使要求立即进行翻新。)

10. It is deplorable that so many people still suffer from hunger in our affluent society. (在我们富裕的社会里,仍然有这么多人饱受饥饿之苦,这是令人遗憾的。)

11. The environmental degradation in this area is deplorable, with pollution affecting wildlife and human health. (该地区环境恶化令人不堪其忧,污染影响了野生动植物和人类健康。)

12. The company's lack of transparency regarding its finances is deplorable and has raised concerns among investors. (公司在财务方面缺乏透明度令人遗憾,并引发了投资者的担忧。)

13. The deplorable conditions in the orphanage underscore the need for better child welfare policies. (孤儿院里糟糕的条件突显了需要更好的儿童福利政策。)

14. His deplorable conduct during the meeting embarrassed everyone present. (他在会议上的不堪行为让在场的每个人都感到尴尬。)

15. The deplorable lack of civility in public discourse is a concern for social harmony. (公共言论中严重缺乏文明是社会和谐的一大隐患。)

These sentences provide various contexts in which "deplorable" can be used to describe situations or behavior that is deeply regrettable or unacceptable.

上一个 【英语】deplore的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】pointed的例句




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