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时间: 2024-09-18 11:35:32


Sure, here are 15 example sentences with explanations in Chinese for the word "pointed":

1. She gave him a pointed look, indicating she knew his secret. (她用有意味的眼神看了他一眼,表示她知道他的秘密。)

2. His pointed criticism struck a nerve with the team. (他尖锐的批评触动了团队的敏感点。)

3. The lawyer made a pointed argument against the new law. (律师就新法律提出了尖锐的论据。)

4. Her pointed questions revealed inconsistencies in his story. (她直截了当的问题揭示了他故事中的矛盾之处。)

5. The teacher's pointed remarks embarrassed the student. (老师尖锐的言论让学生感到尴尬。)

6. He made a pointed remark about her recent behavior. (他对她最近的行为发表了尖锐的评论。)

7. The critic's review was sharp and pointed, highlighting the film's flaws. (评论家的评论锋利而尖锐,突出了电影的缺陷。)

8. The artist used a pointed brush to create fine details in the painting. (艺术家使用尖细的画笔在画作中绘制了精细的细节。)

9. Her pointed fingernails were painted bright red. (她尖锐的指甲涂成了鲜艳的红色。)

10. The comedian's pointed humor resonated with the audience. (喜剧演员尖锐的幽默引起了观众共鸣。)

11. The journalist's pointed questions challenged the politician's stance. (记者直截了当的问题挑战了政治家的立场。)

12. The arrow had a sharp, pointed tip. (箭头尖锐锋利。)

13. His pointed advice helped me make a decision. (他的直截了当的建议帮助我做出了决定。)

14. The CEO's pointed directives clarified the company's goals. (首席执行官明确的指示澄清了公司的目标。)

15. She made a pointed reference to their previous conversation. (她提到了他们之前的对话,言辞直截了当。)


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