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时间: 2024-09-18 11:50:08



1. The movie's plot was so absurd that it provoked risible laughter from the audience. (电影的情节如此荒谬,以至于引发了观众的可笑笑声。)

2. His risible attempt at a magic trick failed spectacularly. (他那可笑的魔术尝试以惨败告终。)

3. The proposal was met with risible disbelief from the committee members. (委员会成员对提议表示了可笑的怀疑。)

4. The comedian's risible performance left everyone in stitches. (那位喜剧演员滑稽的表演让所有人捧腹大笑。)

5. The politician's risible excuse did not convince anyone. (政客的可笑借口没有说服任何人。)

6. His risible attempt to imitate a famous singer was entertaining but far from accurate. (他滑稽地模仿一位著名歌手的尝试令人娱乐,但远非准确。)

7. The book's protagonist found himself in a series of risible predicaments. (书中的主人公陷入了一连串滑稽的困境。)

8. The comedian's risible anecdotes kept the audience laughing throughout the show. (喜剧演员那些滑稽的轶事让观众在整场演出中笑个不停。)

9. Her risible attempts at cooking usually ended in disaster. (她那些可笑的烹饪尝试通常以灾难告终。)

10. The playwright infused the play with risible dialogue that kept the audience amused. (剧作家注入了滑稽对话的剧本,让观众乐不可支。)

11. The proposal was met with risible skepticism from the scientific community. (科学界对这一提议表示了可笑的怀疑。)

12. His risible imitation of the boss's mannerisms lightened the mood in the office. (他滑稽地模仿老板的举止风格,缓和了办公室的气氛。)

13. The candidate's risible attempt to evade questions during the debate was noticed by everyone. (候选人在辩论中滑稽地企图回避问题,引起了所有人的注意。)

14. The comedian's risible jokes were appreciated by the audience, who laughed uproariously. (喜剧演员那些可笑的笑话受到了观众的赞赏,他们笑声震天。)

15. The cartoonist's risible caricatures lampooned politicians with sharp wit. (漫画家那些滑稽的漫画以犀利的智慧讽刺了政客。)


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