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时间: 2024-09-19 17:21:42



1. His risibility was infectious; everyone in the room began to laugh uncontrollably.(他的易笑性很有感染力;房间里的每个人都开始不受控制地笑了起来。)

2. The comedian's performance relied heavily on his natural risibility, making the audience roar with laughter.(这位喜剧演员的表演在很大程度上依赖于他天生的易笑性,让观众笑声震天。)

3. Her risibility often got her into trouble during serious meetings, as she couldn't suppress her laughter at inappropriate moments.(她的易笑性经常在严肃会议中给她惹麻烦,因为她无法在不合时宜的时刻控制住自己的笑声。)

4. The novel's humor was enhanced by the author's keen sense of risibility, ensuring readers would find it delightful.(小说的幽默感由作者敏锐的易笑性增强,确保读者会觉得它很有趣。)

5. Despite the tense situation, his risibility surfaced, lightening the mood and diffusing the conflict.(尽管局势紧张,他的易笑性浮出水面,缓和了气氛并化解了冲突。)

6. The professor's lectures were known for their intellectual depth and occasional moments of risibility, keeping students engaged.(教授的讲座因其深刻的学术内容和偶尔的易笑性时刻而闻名,保持了学生们的参与度。)

7. It was his natural risibility that drew people to him; he could always find something to laugh about in any situation.(他天生的易笑性吸引了人们的注意;他总能在任何情况下找到值得笑的东西。)

8. The sitcom's success lay in its ability to appeal to the audience's risibility, ensuring consistent laughter throughout each episode.(这部情景喜剧成功的原因在于它能够触动观众的易笑性,确保每集都能引发持续的笑声。)

9. Despite his stern demeanor, there was a glint of risibility in his eyes that betrayed his playful nature.(尽管他表现出严肃的态度,但他眼中的笑意透露出他顽皮的天性。)

10. The writer's witty prose was characterized by its subtle risibility, appealing to readers looking for both humor and depth.(作家机智的散文以其微妙的易笑性为特色,吸引了那些既追求幽默又追求深度的读者。)

11. The film's scriptwriters incorporated moments of risibility amidst the drama, creating a balanced emotional experience for the audience.(电影的编剧在戏剧性场面中加入了易笑性时刻,为观众创造了平衡的情感体验。)

12. His risibility often surprised those who knew him as a serious and reserved individual.(他的易笑性常常让那些认识他为严肃和保守的人感到惊讶。)

13. The politician's speechwriters infused the address with a touch of risibility to lighten the gravity of the political message.(政治家的演讲稿作者在演讲中加入了一丝易笑性,以减轻政治信息的严肃性。)

14. The cartoonist's illustrations captured the essence of risibility, drawing smiles from readers of all ages.(漫画家的插图捕捉到了易笑性的本质,引发了各个年龄段读者的微笑。)

15. His risibility was a coping mechanism, allowing him to find humor even in the most challenging of situations.(他的易笑性是一种应对机制,使他能够在最具挑战性的情况下找到幽默。)


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