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addadd[ad],add sth 'in 1.to include sth with sth else; to put sth into sth else or between two things把…加进去;把…放在中间:Send me the new figures when the additional costs have been added in.算进外加成本后再把新数目给我。I’ve added in two extra paragraphs.我另外插进了两段。2.Add can also be used with this meaning. add 也可作此义:I’ve added a couple of extra paragraphs. 我另外插进了几段。[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv,add 'on; ,add 'on to sth (AmE)3.to build an extra room or rooms on to a house or other building扩建(房屋等):They decided to add on rather than move.他们决计扩建一下房子,不搬走了。[G]v+adv ◆ v+adv+prep,add sth 'on; ,add sth 'on to sth 4.to include sth or attach sth extra附加…;把…加在…上:He added £2 on to the bill.他在账单上加了2英镑。5.Add (to sth) can also be used with this meaning. add (to sth) 也可作此义:He added £2 to the bill.他在账单上加了2英镑。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv+prep'add-on n 6.a thing that is added to or included with sth else附加物; 附带物:The catalogue advertised add-ons such as extra memory and software.目录册宣传说有额外的内存和软件等附带产品。add-on products/pockets/units 外加的产品/口袋/单元'add to sth 7.to increase the size, amount, number,etc. of sth使(数量等)增加;使(规模)扩大:Taking the children with us would only add to our problems.带着孩子只会给我们添乱。Music playing in the background added to the atmosphere.背景音乐渲染气氛。(BrE) The house has been added to over the years.这些年来房子一次又一次地在扩建。The food at the hotel is of a very high standard. Add to this the quality of the rooms and the service and it is clear why this is such a popular hotel.这家旅馆的饭菜非常好。加上房间以及服务质量也很好,难怪旅馆如此受欢迎。[OBJ]problems,number,knowledge,enjoyment8.[NOTE]Add to sth can be used in the passive. add to sth 可用于被动语态。[G]v+prep,add to'gether; ,add sth to'gether 9.to come together to produce sth; to join two or more things, numbers, etc. together to produce sth(将…)合成,累积为;(把…) 相加:The games, the dancing and the good food all added together to make a memorable occasion.游戏、舞蹈和美餐组成了这一难以忘怀的时刻。When all the different factors are added together, I can understand her decision.考虑到种种因素,我能够理解她的决定。Add the two numbers together and divide by three.把这两个数相加,再除以三。[OBJ]factors,numbers,costs[G]v+adv ◆ v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv,add 'up (informal) 10.to seem reasonable; to make sense; to have all the different parts agreeing with each other合乎情理;有道理;各部份协调一致:There are things in her story that just don’t add up.她的叙述有些地方根本不吻合。Now that I know where she was last night, it’s all beginning to add up.我知道了她昨晚的去处,一切就开始说得通。11.[NOTE]Add up with this meaning is used especially in negative sentences. add up 作此义时尤用于否定句。12.to increase gradually to make a large number or amount积少成多:Save a small amount each month; it’ll soon add up.每月节余一点,很快就攒多了。13.if two or more numbers add up, they come to the total that they should or that you would expect达到应有(或预计)的总数;凑够数:These figures just don’t add up.这些数字加起来还不够。[G]v+adv,add 'up (especially BrE), ,add sth 'up 14.to calculate the total of two or more numbers or amounts(把…)加起来:I never could add up.我从来不会计算账目。She’s very good at adding up in her head.她很会心算。She added the figures up in no time.她立刻把数字加起来。I needed to use a calculator to add up the bill.我得用计算器算账单。[OBJ]numbers,figures,score,cost[G]v+adv ◆ v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv,add 'up to sth 15.if two or more numbers or figures add up to sth, they make a total of sth when they are added together总共是;总计为:Can you arrange the numbers in groups that add up to 10? 把数字按每组总和为10进行划分好吗?The cost of all the equipment you need for a baby adds up to a considerable sum.婴儿所需物品的费用总数相当可观。16.(informal) to show sth; to have a particular meaning or result结果是;表示;意味着:His evidence didn’t really add up to very much }(= gave us very little information)&b{.他的证词实际上说明不了什么问题。All in all, it adds up to a pretty desperate situation.从各方面来看,这意味着情势相当危急。[synonym]amount to sth[G]v+adv+prep

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