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1abideabideabide[əˈbʌɪd]a'bide by sth (formal)1.to accept rules, a law, an agreement, a decision, etc. and obey them/it遵守, 遵循( 规章制度等) :Members must abide by the rules of the club.会员必须遵守俱乐部的规定。[OBJ]rules,decision,the law[synonym]comply (with sth)[G]v+prep
2aboundaboundabound[əˈbaʊnd]a'bound in/with sth (written)1.to have a lot of sth; to contain a lot of sth有大量;富于:The rivers there abound in/with fish.那里的江河盛产鱼。[G]v+prep
3accedeaccedeaccede[əkˈsiːd]ac'cede to sth (formal)1.to agree to or allow sth that sb has asked for, often after you have opposed it for a while (反对之后)答应,准许(请求) :The government acceded to public pressure to review the tax.政府在公众的压力下同意检讨税项。[OBJ]request,demands,pressure2.Accede to sth can be used in the passive. accede to sth 可用于被动语态:Have all our requests been acceded to? 我们的请求最后都获得答应吗?[G]v+prep
4accountaccountaccount[əˈkaʊnt]ac'count for sb/sth 1.to know where sb/sth is or what has happened to them, especially after an accident or a natural disaster(尤指在事故或自然灾害之后)了解,查明:All the people who were working in the building have now been accounted for.所有当时在大楼中工作的人现在都有了下落。There are three files that I can’t account for.有三份文件我找不到。2.[NOTE]Account for sb/sth is often used in the passive in this meaning. account for sb/sth 作此义时常用于被动语态。3.(old-fashioned) to destroy sth or kill sb摧毁; 消灭; 杀死:Our guns accounted for five enemy planes.我方的炮击落了五架敌机。[G]v+prepac'count for sth 4.to explain how or why sth happened; to be the explanation for sth解释;说明; 是…的说明:How do you account for the fact that the box has disappeared? 箱子不见了你如何解释?Poor hygiene may have accounted for the increase in cases of the disease.宪生状况差可能是这种病例增多的原因。[OBJ]the fact that… 5.to be a particular part of sth; to be a particular amount占(某部份);数量为… :Car crime accounted for 28% of all reported offences.汽车犯罪占所有举报的罪行的28%。Wages account for less than half of the budget.工资占预算开支不到一半。[OBJ]a large amount,a (particular) proportion, (so many) per cent[synonym]make up sth;represent sth6.to keep a record of how the money in your care will be spent or has been spent说明钱财的使用; 报账:Every penny of the funds is accounted for.基金中每一分钱的使用都报清楚。7.to consider particular facts or circumstances when you are making a decision about sth, especially when you are calculating the cost of sth(尤指计算成本等时)考虑到,顾及(细节或环境):The cost of the film and the processing were all accounted for in the calculation of the cost of the service.胶片和冲洗的费用均计算在服务成本中。[synonym]take sth into account8.Account for sth can be used in the passive. account for sth 可用于被动语态:This increase is accounted for by rising taxes.这一增长是由增税引起的。[G]v+prepthere’s no accounting for 'taste(s)9.used to say that it is impossible to know why sb likes sb/sth that you do not like at all 人各有所好;他人喜好无法解释;人的爱憎好恶是无法解释的:(humorous) ‘She seems to like you.’ ‘Well — there’s no accounting for taste!’ “ 她好像喜欢你。”“本来嘛,感情之事是说不明白的!”
5accustomaccustomaccustom[əˈkʌstəm]ac'custom sb/yourself to sth;ac'custom sb/yourself to doing sth (formal)1.to make sb/yourself familiar with sth; to become used to sth(使)习惯于:It shouldn’t take long to accustom your students to working in groups.你的学生应该很快就会习惯分组学习的。It took a while for her eyes to accustom themselves to the dark.她的眼睛过了一会儿才适应了黑暗。[G]v+n/pron+prep
6acheacheache[eɪk]'ache for sb/sth 1.to have a strong desire for sb/sth or to do sth渴想人(或事物):I was aching for home.我巴不得回家。[synonym]long for sb/sth[G]v+prep
7acquaintacquaintacquaint[əˈkweɪnt]ac'quaint sb/yourself with sth (formal)1.to make sb/yourself familiar with or aware of sth(使自己或他人)熟悉某事物,了解某事物:He decided to take his son along and acquaint him with the business.他决定带上儿子,让他了解一下生意。[G]v+n/pron+prep
8actactact[akt]'act as sth 1.to perform a particular role or function充当某角色;担任某工作;起…作用:Will you act as interpreter for us? 你给我们当翻译好吗?Large fines act as a deterrent to motorists.高额罚款是对开车的人的制约。[OBJ]agent,consultant,intermediary/go-between,deterrent[synonym]serve as sth[G]v+prep'act for sb (also ,act on be'half of sb, ,act on sb's be'half) 2.if sb acts for you or acts on behalf of you, they deal with your affairs for you, for example by representing you in a court of law,or by doing your duty when you are not able to代表某人(办理事情、出庭、担任职务等):Do you have a solicitor acting for you? 你有代理律师吗? The Prince was acting on behalf of the Queen.当时王子代表女王作出行动。The Prince was acting on the Queen’s behalf.当时王子代表女王作出行动。[OBJ]client[G]v+prep'act on sth (also 'act upon sth more formal) 3.to do sth as a result of advice, information, instructions,etc. that you have received根据(建议、信息、指示等)行事:The police were acting on information from a member of the public.警察根据一个老百姓的报告采取行动。I was just acting on instructions.我只不过是奉命行事。If my advice had been acted upon, this would never have happened.如果当初按我的建议去做,这事绝对不会发生。[OBJ]advice,information,instructions4.[NOTE]Act on/upon sth can be used in the passive in this meaning. act on/upon sth 作此义时可用于被动语态。5.to have an effect on sth对某事物产生作用(或影响):The drug acts on the central nervous system.这药对中枢神经系统产生影响。6.Act can be used on its own with this meaning. act 也可单独作此义:The drug acts quickly.这药见效快。[G]v+prep,act on be'half of sb; ,act on sb’s be'half=ACT FOR SB,act sth 'out 7.to perform a story or events that have happened or might happen, as if you are performing a play将故事(或往事、可能发生的事)表演出来:The teacher read a story and the children acted it out.老师讲了个故事,孩子们把它表演出来。She acted out her fantasies of pop stardom in front of her bedroom mirror.她对着…室镜子模拟自己幻想成为流行歌星的样子。(figurative) The whole nation was following the drama being acted out on the football field.全国的人都模仿足球场上的情景。[OBJ]story,fantasy 8.to act a part in real life充当(现实生活中的角色):I found myself acting out the role of good, brave patient.我发觉在现实生活中自己是个又好又勇敢的病人。9.(technical) to express your thoughts and feelings in your behaviour,often without being aware of it(常指自然地)流露思想感情[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv,act 'up (informal) 10.to make sb annoyed by behaving badly, trying to get attention, etc.做出恼人(或引人注意等)的行为:The kids have been acting up all day.孩子们闹了一整天了。11.if a machine or part of the body acts up, it does not work properly(机器或身体部位)出毛病:The car’s acting up again.汽车又坏了。My ankle is acting up }(= is painful and causing problems)&b{.我的脚踝犯病了。[synonym]play up12.[NOTE]Act up is often used in the progressive tenses. act up 常用于进行时。[G]v+adv'act upon sth=ACT ON STH
9addaddadd[ad],add sth 'in 1.to include sth with sth else; to put sth into sth else or between two things把…加进去;把…放在中间:Send me the new figures when the additional costs have been added in.算进外加成本后再把新数目给我。I’ve added in two extra paragraphs.我另外插进了两段。2.Add can also be used with this meaning. add 也可作此义:I’ve added a couple of extra paragraphs. 我另外插进了几段。[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv,add 'on; ,add 'on to sth (AmE)3.to build an extra room or rooms on to a house or other building扩建(房屋等):They decided to add on rather than move.他们决计扩建一下房子,不搬走了。[G]v+adv ◆ v+adv+prep,add sth 'on; ,add sth 'on to sth 4.to include sth or attach sth extra附加…;把…加在…上:He added £2 on to the bill.他在账单上加了2英镑。5.Add (to sth) can also be used with this meaning. add (to sth) 也可作此义:He added £2 to the bill.他在账单上加了2英镑。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv+prep'add-on n 6.a thing that is added to or included with sth else附加物; 附带物:The catalogue advertised add-ons such as extra memory and software.目录册宣传说有额外的内存和软件等附带产品。add-on products/pockets/units 外加的产品/口袋/单元'add to sth 7.to increase the size, amount, number,etc. of sth使(数量等)增加;使(规模)扩大:Taking the children with us would only add to our problems.带着孩子只会给我们添乱。Music playing in the background added to the atmosphere.背景音乐渲染气氛。(BrE) The house has been added to over the years.这些年来房子一次又一次地在扩建。The food at the hotel is of a very high standard. Add to this the quality of the rooms and the service and it is clear why this is such a popular hotel.这家旅馆的饭菜非常好。加上房间以及服务质量也很好,难怪旅馆如此受欢迎。[OBJ]problems,number,knowledge,enjoyment8.[NOTE]Add to sth can be used in the passive. add to sth 可用于被动语态。[G]v+prep,add to'gether; ,add sth to'gether 9.to come together to produce sth; to join two or more things, numbers, etc. together to produce sth(将…)合成,累积为;(把…) 相加:The games, the dancing and the good food all added together to make a memorable occasion.游戏、舞蹈和美餐组成了这一难以忘怀的时刻。When all the different factors are added together, I can understand her decision.考虑到种种因素,我能够理解她的决定。Add the two numbers together and divide by three.把这两个数相加,再除以三。[OBJ]factors,numbers,costs[G]v+adv ◆ v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv,add 'up (informal) 10.to seem reasonable; to make sense; to have all the different parts agreeing with each other合乎情理;有道理;各部份协调一致:There are things in her story that just don’t add up.她的叙述有些地方根本不吻合。Now that I know where she was last night, it’s all beginning to add up.我知道了她昨晚的去处,一切就开始说得通。11.[NOTE]Add up with this meaning is used especially in negative sentences. add up 作此义时尤用于否定句。12.to increase gradually to make a large number or amount积少成多:Save a small amount each month; it’ll soon add up.每月节余一点,很快就攒多了。13.if two or more numbers add up, they come to the total that they should or that you would expect达到应有(或预计)的总数;凑够数:These figures just don’t add up.这些数字加起来还不够。[G]v+adv,add 'up (especially BrE), ,add sth 'up 14.to calculate the total of two or more numbers or amounts(把…)加起来:I never could add up.我从来不会计算账目。She’s very good at adding up in her head.她很会心算。She added the figures up in no time.她立刻把数字加起来。I needed to use a calculator to add up the bill.我得用计算器算账单。[OBJ]numbers,figures,score,cost[G]v+adv ◆ v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv,add 'up to sth 15.if two or more numbers or figures add up to sth, they make a total of sth when they are added together总共是;总计为:Can you arrange the numbers in groups that add up to 10? 把数字按每组总和为10进行划分好吗?The cost of all the equipment you need for a baby adds up to a considerable sum.婴儿所需物品的费用总数相当可观。16.(informal) to show sth; to have a particular meaning or result结果是;表示;意味着:His evidence didn’t really add up to very much }(= gave us very little information)&b{.他的证词实际上说明不了什么问题。All in all, it adds up to a pretty desperate situation.从各方面来看,这意味着情势相当危急。[synonym]amount to sth[G]v+adv+prep
10addressaddressaddress[əˈdrɛs]ad'dress yourself to sth (formal)1.to think about a problem or a situation and decide how you are going to deal with it想法解决问题(或处理事情等) :We must address ourselves to the problem of traffic pollution.我们必须着手解决交通污染的问题。[G]v+pron+prep
11adhereadhereadhere[ədˈhɪə]ad'here to sth (formal)1.to act in the way that a particular law, rule or set of instructions says that you should; to follow or support a particular opinion or set of beliefs坚持,遵守,遵循(法律、规章、指示、信念等):They have adhered strictly to the terms of the treaty.他们严格遵守了条约的条款。He found the diet very difficult to adhere to.他觉得很难坚持这种规定饮食。How many people actually adhere to this view?实际有多少人坚持这一观点呢?[OBJ]principles,rules,guidelines[synonym]keep to sth (less formal)2.Adhere to sth can be used in the passive. adhere to sth 可用于被动语态:All safety requirements must be adhered to.必须遵守所有安全规定。[G]v+prep
12admitadmitadmit[ədˈmɪt](-tt-) ad'mit of sth (formal)1.to show that sth such as an explanation or an answer is possible; to allow sth to happen容许,有…可能(指解释、回答等) :The situation admits of only one explanation.这一状况只可能有一种解释。[OBJ]explanation,answer[synonym]allow of sth[G]v+prep
13agreeagreeagree[əˈgri]a'gree with sb1.to make you feel happy or healthy使高兴(或健康);适合某人:You look great! Marriage obviously agrees with you.你容光焕发啊!结婚显然对你有益。Mushrooms don’t agree with me }(= they make me feel ill/sick)&b{.我吃了蘑菇就会不舒服。2.[NOTE]Agree with sb is often used in negative sentences. agree with sb 常用于否定句。[G]v+prepa'gree with sth;a'gree with doing sth 3.to approve of sth, especially a policy or a belief同意,赞成(尤指政策或信仰):I don’t agree with capital punishment.我不赞成死刑。[opposite]disagree with sth, disagree with doing sth[G]v+prep
14aimaimaim[eɪm]'aim at sth;'aim at doing sth 1.to try to achieve sth; to have sth as your aim力求达到;努力取得;以…为目标:She’s aiming at a sports scholarship.她在争取获得一项体育奖学金。We need to aim at increasing exports.我们要努力增加出口。2.Aim to do sth is also used with the same meaning. aim to do sth 也作此义:What do you aim to achieve? 你追求的目标是什么?[G]v+prep'aim sth at sb/sth 3.if you aim sth at a particular person or group, you do or say sth that you intend to have an effect on them(言语或行动)针对…,以…为对象:The advertising campaign is aimed primarily at young people.这个广告宣传运动主要是针对年轻人的。I was not aiming my remarks at you.我的话不是冲你说的。[OBJ]remarks,criticism,campaign4.[NOTE]Aim sth at sb is often used in the passive. aim sth at sb 常用于被动语态。[G]v+n/pron+prepbe 'aimed at sth;be 'aimed at doing sth 5.to have sth as an aim or purpose以…为目标;旨在:The new scheme is aimed at reducing unemployment.新计划旨在减低失业率。[G]be+v+prep
15alightalightalight[əˈlʌɪt]a'light on/upon sb/sth (formal)1.to notice sb/sth suddenly; to find or think of sth by chance突然注意到;偶然发现(或想到):My eye alighted on an old book.我的目光突然落到了一本旧书上。He finally alighted on a solution.他最后偶然想到了解决方法。[synonym]light on/upon sb/sth[G]v+prep
16alignalignalign[əˈlʌɪn]a'lign yourself with sb/sth 1.to publicly support a person, a group of people or a set of opinions公开支持(某人、集体或观点) :The senator aligned himself with the critics of the proposed reforms.这位参议员公开支持对拟议的改革提出批评的人。[G]v+pron+prep
17allowallowallow[əˈlaʊ]al'low for sth 1.to include sth when you are calculating sth or planning sth将…计算在内;考虑到; 估计到:Add an extra ten minutes to your journey time to allow for the traffic.考虑到交通,你的行程得额外多预算十分钟。I ’ ve bought a large size to allow for the fact that it may shrink in the wash.估计到衣服可能会缩水,我买了件大号的。[OBJ]the possibility,the fact that…, differences 2.Allow for sth can be used in the passive. allow for sth 可用于被动语态:This had not been allowed for in the budget.预算没有把这个考虑在内。[G]v+prepal'low of sth (formal)3.to show that sth such as an explanation or an answer is possible; to make sth possible容许(解释、回答等);使有可能:The facts allow of only one explanation.这些事实只可能有一种解释。[synonym]admit of sth[G]v+prep
18alludealludeallude[əˈl(j)uːd]al'lude to sb/sth (formal)1.to mention sb/sth indirectly or in a few words间接(或略微)提到;暗指;影射:He hated his mother’s way of alluding to Jean but never actually saying her name.他不喜欢母亲拐弯抹角从不指名地提及琼。2.Allude to sb/sth can be used in the passive. allude to sb/sth 可用于被动语态:Do you know the person who was alluded to in the report?你知道报告中影射的人吗?[G]v+prep
19amountamountamount[əˈmaʊnt]a'mount to sth 1.(not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) 2.to add up to sth; to result in a final total of sth总计;共计:The cost of the trip amounted to well over £500.这次旅行花费远远超过了500 英镑。The money I pay in tax and insurance contributions amounts to about 40% of my salary.交税和保险费用掉我工资的40%左右。[synonym]come to sth3.to be equal to or the same as sth等于; 相当于:What they did amounted to a breach of contract.他们这样做等同于违约。It doesn’t matter whether I pay or my husband pays — it amounts to the same thing in the end.我付钱或我丈夫付钱无关紧要─最终反正都是一回事。It all amounts to a lot of hard work.这一切意味着大量艰苦的工作。[synonym]come to sth4.if you say that sb/sth doesn’t amount to much, you mean that he/she/it is not very important(某人或事物)无足轻重,意义不大:He’ll never amount to anything.他决不会有出息。The information we have doesn’t amount to much.我们所掌握的情况意义不大。[synonym]add up to sth[G]v+prep
20angleangleangle[ˈaŋg(ə)l]'angle for sth 1.(often used in the progressive tenses常用于进行时) 2.to try to obtain sth without asking for it directly转弯抹角地打听;博取:She’s angling for an invitation to the party.她婉转地让别人邀请她参加聚会。[synonym]fish for sth[G]v+prep




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