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时间: 2024-09-17 13:18:40


1. The burglar broke into the house and stole valuable jewelry.


2. The burglar was caught red-handed by the police.


3. The burglar was sentenced to five years in prison for his crimes.


4. The burglar attempted to break into the store, but was scared off by the alarm.


5. The burglar left behind a trail of destruction in the house.


6. The burglar was armed with a knife during the robbery.


7. The burglar was identified by his fingerprints left at the crime scene.


8. The burglar was skilled at picking locks and breaking into homes unnoticed.


9. The burglar ransacked the house looking for valuables to steal.


10. The burglar was apprehended by the homeowner before he could escape.


11. The burglar had a history of breaking into cars and stealing electronics.


12. The burglar was known for targeting wealthy neighborhoods for his crimes.


13. The burglar was armed with a crowbar to break into the store.


14. The burglar was caught on security camera footage breaking into the house.


15. The burglar was surprised by the homeowner and fled the scene empty-handed.


16. The burglar was skilled at evading detection by law enforcement.


17. The burglar was arrested and charged with multiple counts of burglary.


18. The burglar wore a mask to conceal his identity during the break-in.


19. The burglar was known for leaving behind a signature calling card at his crime scenes.


20. The burglar was eventually caught and brought to justice for his crimes.


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