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时间: 2024-09-14 00:10:15


1. The disperser quickly scattered the crowd with a burst of tear gas.(驱散器迅速用一阵催泪瓦斯驱散了人群。)

2. The disperser evenly distributed the fertilizer across the field.(分散器将肥料均匀地分布在田地上。)

3. The disperser was used to break up clumps of powder in the manufacturing process.(分散器用来在制造过程中打散粉末团块。)

4. The disperser created a fine mist of essential oils in the air.(分散器在空气中产生了精油的细雾。)

5. The disperser was essential for achieving a smooth and homogeneous mixture.(分散器对于获得均匀的混合物至关重要。)

6. The disperser effectively separated the oil and water in the solution.(分散器有效地分离了溶液中的油和水。)

7. The disperser was used to disperse ink in the printing process.(分散器用于在印刷过程中分散墨水。)

8. The disperser broke up the clumps of paint to ensure a consistent color.(分散器打散了油漆的块状物,以确保颜色一致。)

9. The disperser sprayed a fine mist of pesticides over the crops.(分散器在农作物上喷洒了一层细雾状的杀虫剂。)

10. The disperser was used to evenly mix the ingredients in the pharmaceutical formulation.(分散器用于均匀混合制药配方中的成分。)

11. 分散器用于在制造过程中打散粉末团块。

12. 分散器在空气中产生了精油的细雾。

13. 分散器对于获得均匀的混合物至关重要。

14. 分散器有效地分离了溶液中的油和水。

15. 分散器用于在印刷过程中分散墨水。

16. 分散器打散了油漆的块状物,以确保颜色一致。

17. 分散器在农作物上喷洒了一层细雾状的杀虫剂。

18. 分散器用于均匀混合制药配方中的成分。

19. 分散器将肥料均匀地分布在田地上。

20. 驱散器迅速用一阵催泪瓦斯驱散了人群。

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