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时间: 2024-09-17 13:18:07


1. I have a sore throat and can't speak properly.(我的喉咙痛,说话不利索)

2. She cleared her throat before beginning her speech.(她在开始演讲前清了清嗓子)

3. The singer's powerful voice resonated in the theater, filling every corner of the room with its rich, deep tones.(歌手的浑厚嗓音在剧院中回荡,充满了房间的每一个角落)

4. The doctor examined my throat and prescribed some medication for the infection.(医生检查了我的喉咙,并开了一些药物治疗感染)

5. He felt a lump in his throat as he listened to the emotional speech.(他听着那感人的演讲时,感到喉咙有一块东西)

6. The cold air made her throat feel dry and scratchy.(冷空气让她觉得喉咙干燥刺痒)

7. The singer's voice was so beautiful that it brought a lump to my throat.(歌手的声音如此美妙,让我感到激动)

8. He felt a tickle in his throat and began to cough.(他感到喉咙发痒,开始咳嗽)

9. The actor's throat was strained after performing in the musical for several nights in a row.(演员连续几个晚上在音乐剧中表演后,喉咙感到紧张)

10. She had a frog in her throat and could barely speak.(她嗓子有点哑,几乎说不出话)

11. The singer's throat was hoarse after the concert from singing for hours.(歌手在演唱会上唱了几个小时后,嗓子变得嘶哑)

12. He tried to swallow, but the lump in his throat made it difficult.(他试图吞咽,但喉咙里的肿块让他很难)

13. The spicy food burned her throat as she swallowed it.(她吞下辛辣的食物时,感到喉咙灼热)

14. The doctor used a small flashlight to look down her throat.(医生用小手电筒照进她的喉咙)

15. She felt a tightness in her throat as she spoke about her difficult childhood.(当她谈及自己艰难的童年时,感到喉咙紧绷)

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