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时间: 2024-09-17 13:21:45


1. She had to tighten her belt after losing her job. (她失业后不得不勒紧裤腰带。)

2. The company decided to tighten its security measures after the data breach. (公司决定在数据泄露后加强安全措施。)

3. The government plans to tighten regulations on pollution control. (政府计划加强对污染控制的监管。)

4. You need to tighten the screw to secure the shelf. (你需要拧紧螺丝来固定架子。)

5. The coach told the team to tighten up their defense. (教练告诉球队加强他们的防守。)

6. It's important to tighten the lid on the jar to keep the food fresh. (紧固罐子盖以保持食物新鲜。)

7. The company needs to tighten its budget in order to survive the economic downturn. (公司需要紧缩预算以应对经济低迷。)

8. She felt the need to tighten her grip on the steering wheel as the road got slippery. (当路面变得湿滑时,她感到需要紧握方向盘。)

9. The new manager is expected to tighten the organization's operational efficiency. (新经理被期望加强组织的运营效率。)

10. The government is planning to tighten immigration laws. (政府计划加强移民法律。)

11. The mechanic needs to tighten the bolts to fix the engine. (机修工需要拧紧螺栓来修理发动机。)

12. She felt the need to tighten her schedule in order to meet the deadline. (为了满足截止日期,她感到需要紧缩自己的日程安排。)

13. The teacher asked the students to tighten their focus during the exam. (老师要求学生在考试期间集中注意力。)

14. The government plans to tighten regulations on financial institutions. (政府计划加强对金融机构的监管。)

15. The company decided to tighten its policies on employee conduct. (公司决定加强对员工行为的政策。)

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