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时间: 2024-09-14 01:00:48


1. The trombe wall is designed to absorb and store solar heat during the day and release it at night.


2. The trombe wall system is an effective way to passively heat a building.

(trombe墙系统是 passively 加热建筑的有效方式。)

3. The trombe wall can help reduce the need for artificial heating in a building.


4. The trombe wall is a sustainable and energy-efficient design feature.


5. The trombe wall is a popular choice for eco-friendly building designs.


6. The trombe wall is an innovative way to harness solar energy for heating purposes.


7. The trombe wall can significantly reduce the carbon footprint of a building.


8. The trombe wall is an example of sustainable architecture that utilizes natural energy sources.


9. The trombe wall system has been successfully implemented in many eco-friendly buildings around the world.


10. The trombe wall is a passive solar heating system that utilizes thermal mass to store and distribute heat.

(trombe墙是一种 passively 太阳能加热系统,利用热容储存和分发热量。)

11. 这堵trombe墙可以有效地提高建筑物的能源利用效率。

(This trombe wall can effectively improve the energy utilization efficiency of the building.)

12. 使用trombe墙系统可以降低建筑的能源消耗。

(Using a trombe wall system can reduce the energy consumption of the building.)

13. 这座建筑采用了trombe墙设计,使得室内温度更加稳定。

(The building adopted the trombe wall design, making the indoor temperature more stable.)

14. 我们正在研究如何将trombe墙技术应用到更多的建筑设计中。

(We are studying how to apply trombe wall technology to more building designs.)

15. 这座房子的trombe墙在冬季帮助保持了温暖。

(The trombe wall of this house helped maintain warmth in winter.)

16. 通过trombe墙系统,建筑可以更好地利用太阳能。

(Through the trombe wall system, buildings can better utilize solar energy.)

17. 这个项目中采用了trombe墙,使得建筑更加环保。

(The project adopted trombe walls, making the building more environmentally friendly.)

18. 这种trombe墙设计可以减少建筑的能源浪费。

(This trombe wall design can reduce energy waste in buildings.)

19. 使用trombe墙的建筑在冬季可以减少对暖气系统的依赖。

(Buildings using trombe walls can reduce reliance on heating systems in winter.)

20. 这座办公楼的trombe墙设计使得室内环境更加舒适。

(The trombe wall design of this office building makes the indoor environment more comfortable.)

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