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时间: 2024-09-13 23:53:04


1. The farmer was faucher the wheat in the field.(农民正在收割田地里的小麦。)

2. We need to faucher the grass in the backyard before it gets too long.(我们需要在草长得太长之前割掉后院的草。)

3. The workers were fauchering the rice in the paddy fields.(工人们正在稻田里收割稻谷。)

4. It's hard work to faucher the crops by hand.(用手工收割庄稼是很辛苦的。)

5. The faucher machine made the harvest much easier for the farmers.(收割机使农民们的收获工作变得容易多了。)

6. 在秋天,农民们都会忙着faucher他们的庄稼。 (In autumn, farmers are busy fauchering their crops.)

7. 这台收割机可以快速且高效地faucher大面积的麦田。 (This harvester can quickly and efficiently faucher large areas of wheat fields.)

8. 他们用镰刀来faucher稻谷。 (They use sickles to faucher the rice.)

9. 农民们在太阳下辛苦地faucher着庄稼。 (The farmers are toiling under the sun, fauchering the crops.)

10. 这个农场雇佣了很多工人来faucher他们的水果。 (This farm has hired many workers to faucher their fruits.)

11. 他们正在faucher玉米,准备进行秋收。 (They are fauchering the corn, preparing for the autumn harvest.)

12. 这个地区的农民们都在忙着faucher他们的作物。 (The farmers in this area are all busy fauchering their crops.)

13. 他们用机器来faucher他们的庄稼,提高了效率。 (They use machines to faucher their crops, improving efficiency.)

14. 农民们需要在天气好的时候尽快faucher他们的庄稼。 (Farmers need to faucher their crops as soon as the weather is good.)

15. 这个收割机可以在短时间内faucher大片的麦田。 (This harvester can faucher large areas of wheat fields in a short time.)

16. 农民们需要在庄稼成熟的时候及时faucher,否则会损失很多。 (Farmers need to faucher their crops in time when they are ripe, otherwise they will lose a lot.)

17. 他们雇佣了很多人手来faucher他们的果园。 (They have hired many hands to faucher their orchard.)

18. 这个地区的农民们都在忙着faucher他们的水稻。 (The farmers in this area are all busy fauchering their rice.)

19. 农民们需要在收获季节及时faucher他们的作物,以免受到坏天气的影响。 (Farmers need to faucher their crops in time during the harvest season to avoid being affected by bad weather.)

20. 这个农场使用先进的收割机来faucher他们的庄稼。 (This farm uses advanced harvesters to faucher their crops.)

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