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时间: 2024-09-17 13:26:55


1. Throughout the day, the sun shone brightly, warming the earth and lifting everyone's spirits. (整天阳光明媚,温暖大地,提高了所有人的情绪。)

2. She remained calm and composed throughout the meeting, even when faced with difficult questions. (在整个会议期间,她保持了冷静和沉着,即使面对困难的问题也是如此。)

3. The museum showcases artwork from throughout history, spanning centuries and continents. (这家博物馆展示了整个历史时期的艺术品,跨越了世纪和大陆。)

4. Throughout his career, he has consistently demonstrated a strong work ethic and dedication to his craft. (在他的职业生涯中,他一直展现出强烈的职业道德和对自己工艺的专注。)

5. The sound of laughter echoed throughout the house, signaling a joyful family gathering. (笑声在整个房子里回荡,预示着欢乐的家庭聚会。)

6. Throughout the movie, the main character undergoes a transformation, evolving from a timid individual to a courageous leader. (在整部电影中,主角经历了一次转变,从一个胆怯的个体发展成了一个勇敢的领袖。)

7. The company has offices throughout the world, allowing them to serve a global clientele. (该公司在全球各地设有办事处,使他们能够为全球客户提供服务。)

8. Throughout the storm, the lighthouse beacon provided a guiding light for ships at sea. (在整个风暴中,灯塔的信标为海上的船只提供了指引之光。)

9. Throughout her illness, she maintained a positive attitude and never lost hope for recovery. (在她生病期间,她始终保持着积极的态度,从未失去康复的希望。)

10. The aroma of freshly baked bread wafted throughout the bakery, enticing customers to come inside. (新鲜烘焙的面包香气飘散在整个面包店里,吸引顾客进来。)

11. Throughout the concert, the audience was captivated by the powerful performance of the orchestra. (在整场音乐会上,观众被管弦乐队强大的表演所吸引。)

12. The athlete showed remarkable endurance throughout the marathon, crossing the finish line with a triumphant smile. (这位运动员在整个马拉松比赛中表现出了非凡的耐力,带着胜利的微笑跨过了终点线。)

13. Throughout history, art has been used as a form of expression and communication across cultures. (在整个历史上,艺术一直被用作跨文化表达和交流的形式。)

14. The tradition of storytelling has been passed down throughout generations, preserving cultural heritage and wisdom. (讲故事的传统代代相传,保留了文化遗产和智慧。)

15. Throughout the negotiation process, both parties worked towards finding a mutually beneficial agreement. (在整个谈判过程中,双方努力寻找一项互惠互利的协议。)

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