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时间: 2024-09-14 00:13:51


1. The horse regimbered and refused to move forward.


2. The soldier tried to calm the regimbering horse.


3. The regimbering of the dog indicated its fear of the approaching stranger.


4. The trainer used gentle methods to prevent the regimbering of the young horse.


5. The regimbering of the cat made it difficult for the vet to examine it.


6. The regimbering of the child in the doctor's office was a challenge for the parents.


7. The regimbering of the car's engine indicated a potential problem.


8. The regimbering of the machine suggested a malfunction.


9. The regimbering of the student disrupted the class.


10. The regimbering of the crowd made it difficult for the police to maintain control.


11. The regimbering of the cat indicated its displeasure with the new food.


12. The regimbering of the dog suggested it was feeling unwell.


13. The regimbering of the machine required immediate maintenance.


14. The regimbering of the child was a sign of fatigue.


15. The regimbering of the phone's touch screen indicated a software issue.


16. The regimbering of the cat made it clear that it did not want to be held.


17. The regimbering of the dog suggested it was anxious about the thunderstorm.


18. The regimbering of the toddler indicated a need for a nap.


19. The regimbering of the computer mouse was a sign of a low battery.


20. The regimbering of the customer indicated dissatisfaction with the service.


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