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时间: 2024-09-14 23:43:01


1. I visited the touristic city of Paris and marveled at its beautiful architecture.


2. The touristic area was bustling with visitors from all over the world.


3. The touristic brochure highlighted the must-see attractions in the city.


4. We took a touristic cruise along the coast, enjoying the scenic views.


5. The small town has become quite touristic in recent years, attracting many visitors.


6. The touristic industry is a major source of income for the local community.


7. The touristic guide provided interesting historical facts about the ancient ruins.


8. The touristic train took us through the picturesque countryside.


9. The touristic hotspot was crowded with souvenir shops and restaurants.


10. The touristic experience allowed us to immerse ourselves in the local culture.


11. 这座城市因其历史遗迹而成为一个旅游胜地。

12. 我们参加了当地的旅游活动,学到了很多有趣的知识。

13. 这个岛屿已经变得非常旅游化,到处都是度假村和酒店。

14. 我们在旅游区租了一辆自行车,沿着海岸线骑行。

15. 这个地区的旅游业发展迅速,为当地经济做出了重要贡献。

16. 我们在旅游景点拍了很多照片,记录下美好的回忆。

17. 这个小镇以其美丽的风景和独特的文化吸引了众多游客。

18. 我们在当地的旅游中心咨询了一些旅游路线和景点。

19. 这个地区已经过度依赖旅游业,需要寻求其他经济来源。

20. 我们参加了当地的旅游导游团,了解了许多有趣的历史故事。

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